The people of Ghelu are not only distinguished in species but also in inhabitants of different areas, lands and countries. Some species and inhabitants have different names for themselves than the common ones. Furthermore there are insulting terms for long-time enemies and people considered lower than themselves. The descriptions are of course general and do at most describe a basic attitude and typical, in many cases stereotypical behaviours. Individual exceptions are possible and quite usual, especially among the ones travelling instead of staying in their homelands. However those have to face the same prejudices than others from their origin who just might meet them a little more.
Disclaimer: The words and especially names are freely invented by me out of various reasons. I have written several words in bold font to distinguish them from the „normal“ world. Those bold font words descripe something inside the world I am creating here and have thus no direct connection to reality. I hope this clears any misunderstanding up front. Best example would be the word manic, which originates from the term Mane or Manes, describing a human in my world, not a real life term about a mental condition.
The Egrodians have been mentioned a lot throughout the history, being probably the most dominant Lendmanes north of the bordering mountains of the Bairgahei and the Bereghei. Their Empires once ruled from the East to the West Coasts, down to the Dragon Desert and Peurkap, up to the Tirsor. What is left is just a shadow of its former greatness. However the Egrodians have left their traces in language, architecture and especially warfare. Their highly disciplined armies have been an example for open field battle strategy for centuries, being able to fend of invasions and counter attacks of uncounted amounts. While formerly using the longsword, the Egrodians were among the first to abandon the heavy weapon for a more elegant version, called the Rapius. Two-handed longswords however are still in use, especially at the eastern borders where the occasional Uorg group has to be fought off. Heavy armour is used as well, however the single breastplate or the new cuirass, a heavy plate armor covering both the front and the back of the chest, are much more popular. Egrodia has its fair share of handguns, especially the Longguns, an advanced kind of hand cannons used by foot soldiers, the Longgunners. It also employs a large amount of mercenaries, the best paid being the frontier brigades. As a standing army, the Cuirassiers – both on foot and as cavalry unit – and the Longgunners are famous. In the core land of the Egrodians, the Terra Nucleus, lie probably the most wonderful architectural achievements ever built by Manes, rivaled only by the skill of the Ensani, who's greatest accomplishments are however of older age. The Egrodians respect art and culture more than any other Manes and also produce and export several of the finest clothings. Another Egrodian tradition is the daily bath, water transfer and other sanitary achievements, as well as marching and transportation streets on the basis of stone. Several of these works have been developed in close cooperation with the Budmen, who respect the Egrodians highly for their inspirational ideas. This also is the reason why the Egrodians basically never gave up the use of stone as the main building material, which makes them the only Manes to do so.
The Ensani are highly cultivated Lendmanes and live south of the Bairgahei. Their homeland is what is now known as the Sultanat Zamin. Northern Manes call them Marka, following the Budmen term for them, however probably everybody knows what Ensani means, especially since Zamin obviously is very related to the name. Of slightly smaller size than the more northern inhabitants, they have a much darker complexion and mostly dark hair. Due to the widespread use of cosmetics, the high quality of clothing and the strange music and dancing styles they're considered to be among the most beautiful and entrancing Manes in the world. The Ensani have always been in some kind of competition with the northern Lendmanic tribes and a series of wars bears sad witness of that fact. There is no source which part of the Lendmanes has first developed a higher culture, however most respect the Ensani for their incredible architectural achievements which are – if at all – only matched by the best buildings of the Egrodians and the rumoured perfection of the inner Goom. Every Ensani has to be able to defend himself and is trained in the use of the preferred weapon, the broadsabre. Metal armour is seen very seldom due to the extreme heat and the needed mobility against such fast opponents as the Korosi. The Gambeson, worn in many versions from short to long, is an Ensani invention. They're also among the best archers of the lands, still very skilled with the longbow that in other parts of the world is already considered an obsolete weapon. Guns are gaining ground fast, being seen as the future.
The Order of Aistig is a speciality only existing within the Ensani territory. A radical order with tribe-like mentality, these warriors live only for the purpose of defending the world of the Manes against all threats, especially the often invading Korosi. Founded by Sultan Mubaraq together with the Tschat clans of the Bairgahei – who later fell into disgrace – the Aistig also call themselves Mubares. While most of their fortresses and other quarters and lands lie on the ground of the Sultanat Zamin, they historically are very independent from any rule but the one of their own Head of the Order. This occasionally causes mistrust from the more powerful rulers of the world, however the work of the Mubares is vital to secure both Zamin and the Kormer Passage. The Order of Aistig respects men and women equally as long as they pass their initiation. It is common for members of higher families who have no chance of inheritance to a title to join the Order. However several poor and homeless youths have found shelter in the care homes and later joined the ranks. The Order of Aistig is always looking for exceptional warriors since, although highly skilled warriors and accomplished riders, the nearby desert and the Korosi occasionally take their toll. Being invited into the ranks of the Mubares or respected as equal, maybe even as ally, is a prestigious honour for all fighters, and it is said the Order even has a representative at the Court of the Mountain King, who, like all Budmen, respects the Mubares for their continuous fight against all Dragoni. The Mubares prefer the broadsabre and shield combat, the rider lance, the rider bow and the two-handed broadsabre. The development of one of the most elegant weapons of the newer time, the Jatagan, is an Ensani invention but perfected by the Mubares. It is the signature weapon of a high member of the Order and the elite soldiers of Zamin.
The Budmen consider themselves equals. However there are some more equal then others. Those are the Gomen, the inhabitants of Goom. Not only do they live in the homeland of the Budmen, they respond only to the rule of the Carta Eternia and the Mountain King. The Gomen are much more conservative than the Budmen in other regions, if not to say stubborn. They dislike outsiders of any kind, even their own, however very familiar and friendly with each other. Budmen who willingly leave Goom are considered wicked, even when they're ambassadors or traders. Merchants who trade only on the border and never even step a foot outside the gates of the border fortifications are preferred. The speciality however is the battle training. All Gomen are trained in fighting any kind of threat, in formation as well as single combat. Long lances and one-handed double axes in combination with great shields are common weaponry, as well as the archaic looking broadsword and the occasional heavy double axe. A set of heavy armour forged in Goom for the footsoldiers of the land is rumoured to be impenetrable and sturdy enough to withstand a dragon's bite. The Gomen trainees travel the borders and learn in as many fortifications as possible. Every Gomen also practices defending against siege weaponry and air attacks, the latter being sometimes reason for jokes and ridicule, for great dragons haven't been seen since before the Mage Wars. The best sappers and cannoneers of the known world are considered to be in the Goom Bombardment Corps guarding the borders of the vast land. Few if any Budmen don't consider the Gomen the best of their kind, and those mostly are mercenaries who have witnessed that a good Guermen or Beregmane can be worth their weight in stone salt as well.
Mori (Moriden)
The Mori or Moriden are the inhabitants of the city state of Moridem on the western coast. Most consider the actual citzens Mori while the ones living outside the wall but inside the jurisdiction of the state are Moriden. There is no clear majority inside the city, since people of all kinds are gathered here to work, buy, sell and trade – to name the legal occupations. Many of the Budmen who reside outside of the Goom live and work here, as well as Manes of any kind, the occasional Skures can be seen. There is a large quarter of Daomin, the Halden Village. Even Sulkel and some Semier are enjoying the relative safety of thick walls, the great river Aser and the well organized city guard. Mori are mostly exceptionally proud to be citizens of the most famous city in the known world and most feel more comfortable around coins and goods than anything else. This is especially the case since a Mori travelling the land cannot participate in the important council elections, one of the most lucrative events of the year. Thus the saying “A Year And A Day” means “an exceptionally long time” in Moridem, as well as the time a refugee has to wait at the most to have a chance to become a citizen. Officially it is not allowed for a citizen to bear any arm longer than a dagger, however the Rapius has developed into a weapon of style for higher ranked citizens and the many mercenaries are above this law as well – as long as they're employed. The Moridem Rapius is a form of longsword or broadsword with a fancy hilt similar to a Rapius, extremely popular among the blades for hire. Handguns are strictly limited to members of the Moridem army and in rare exceptions the guard and anybody caught with one can look ahead to a lengthy visit in the Moridem Carcer.
Better not to be confused, the Kori are the free citizens of the Praetorrealm Korio East of Moridem. Since the Realm has extended its size over the one of Egrodia, which it belonged to not that long ago, a new spirit of national pride has began to build among the Kori. While physically hardly different from the Egrodians, they use a different language and have developed a fundamentally different hereditary rule. Officially there is no slavery within Korio, however not all inhabitants are Kori. Servants are excluded from citizenship and owe all their belongings but their lives to their lords. A free citizen only has to pay the tithe of his belongings a year to the local ruler and can travel freely. Since many servants seek refuge in one of the cities where these rulings are hardly executed (and citizenship can be bought) or even try to get to Moridem, the borders and walls have remained under constant guarding even though the last attacks on Korio have been quite a while ago. Citizens also have the right to wear the longsword, which, if not invented here, is by far the most popular weapon. Every family has his longsword hanging on the wall, however if they know how to use it is an entirely different question. A servant caught with a blade longer than a knife or double-edged faces instant death sentence. Long time being cut off from advanced gun weaponry, recently Korio has made huge steps to catch up and even developed an own kind, the Hakenbüchse (hook gun), which is one of the most formidable hand cannons bested only by the rarer Longguns. Members of the official army of Korio are calling themselves Koros. They're freed from the tithe as long as they serve. Aside of the Hakenbüchsieres the strongest part of the Korio army is the heavy infantry, equipped with heavy plate and chain armour, longsword and shield. Most local lords have a steady share of Koros for basic security and hire mercenaries – mostly also servants or citizen who try to avoid the tithe by a temporary service – when they need more armed people. They have hardly access to hand cannons unless their employer equips them. A mercenary having his own hand cannon and knows how to use it can expect four times the pay. The saying is that there is no Kori who isn't willing to kill his fellow Kori – a result of the huge numbers of feuds and conflicts between the many rulers of the Realm and the weakness of the Praetors who failed to unify the land since Korus liberated it.
“In Regos, everybody is a Regent.” This is in fact the official term for a citizen of the East Coast country, which has a Magocracy, incomparable to any other hereditary ruling systems. The inhabitants are of Lendmanic origin, but have a much darker complexion and mostly dark hair and are in average a good head smaller, probably because of more Beregmanic input. The Regents tend to dress as well as they possibly can and are known to be very polite and civilized. If it wasn't for the Magi, Regos wouldn't have such a horrible reputation. Good clothing, fine craftsmanship and the occasional cultural achievement makes the country one of the most evolved and important. The main export however is knowledge and research, which are valued by the Regents more than anything else. The Magic Academy of Regos is rumoured to have the greatest collection of books and scrolls in all the world, and their library, which is open for public use, is a meeting point of intellects and knowledge seekers. Thus the Regents have been the second strongest influence on the Harland societies right after the Budmen and even before the Egrodians. The second most important thing for Regents seems to be passion, for dancing, music and other entertainment are valued very high. Many believe this to be a reaction to the closeness of the Death Sea, the Gerbarre and Tirudar. The Regian army is feared like no other due to the addition of battle Magi into the ranks and rivalled in strength only by the Goom Foreign Corps. Mercenaries however are unwanted and only recruited when there's absolutely no alternative to be found, which makes the warfare potential of Regos less flexible than the one of the other major countries. In an attempt not to upset the Gomer too much, the use of hand cannons and field cannons is restricted. The ships and fortifications of Regos however hardly go without a fair share of precise heavy and light bombards.
There is not much to say about the Bargamen, the inhabitants of the Bairgahei. Since there are no true structures of a country or at least unified rule, the term is mostly used by Kori and Ensani dealing with the woodmanes coming from the mountains to sell their lumber and furs. A good way to pick a fight with a Guermen of the Bairgahei clans is calling him a Bargamen, for most Guermen despise the “weak” Manes. The “Bidenhanded Longsword” or “Bidenhander”, a double-edged blade the length up to a Mane's height, was probably invented in the Bairgahei and aside of finding occasional use within the mercenary corpses of the North and alongside the battle axe is one of the favourite weapons of both the Bargamen and the Guermen warriors. Combined with the strength of a Guermen it even beats the longswords of the Koros elite troops.
The Kallistes are not really independent and thus often also called Egrodians, at least when of manic origin. As a vassal kingdom, Kaliland does answer to the Empire, and most inhabitants prefer to pass as Egrodians, at least nominally being part of that highly respected culture. Since the eastern parts of the country are much more archaic and some people, even if not of Semian origin, would like to see an independent Kaliland, Kalliste is also a term for rebel, upstart or insurgent. The preferred weaponry is longswords and lances, since even though a hand cannon can shoot down an Uorg, “one Uorg seldom comes alone”. The Egrodian Pikeneers are mostly recruited from Kallistes. Their music is among the most popular throughout the Empire due to its Semian influence which makes it both very rhythmic and melodic, however only using light instruments like the lute, the flute, the hand drums and the harp.
Tirians are met with extreme caution and mistrust throughout the more cultivated parts of the world. A Mane originating from the Semian land of Tirsor cannot be sane. Tirians may be shunned, but their skill as hunters, single fighters and scouts must be exceptional, for Tirsor is very unforgiving towards carelessness. They prefer sharp and quick blades, mostly in form of sabres or ideally Jatagans, and the longbow. Heavy armour is much too unhandy in the wilderness of Tirsor and thus the only kind to be found is the occasional chainmail. A tricky version of the Ensani Gambeson, the Layer-Harness, is popular amongst travellers for appearing to be a Gambeson but fortified with layers of steel plates. It is also rumoured that Tirians could make quite sturdy armours out of hardwood. Although a Semier living in or coming from Tirsor could be called a Tirian as well, it's much more likely he'll be judged by his kinship and just called a Semier. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish a Tirian from a Semier, since they're basically wearing the same clothing and there's hardly a Tirian without Semian blood. Slightly pointed or otherwise deformed ears are also called “Tirian Ears”, eyes with strange colors “Tirian Eyes”. Once the hair has an unusual tone, in most people's opinion it is a Semier.
The Auder are called the lucky people of the world. No land is more protected from the tides of history than Auden, with the exception of its protective force, Goom. “Happy as an Auder” is a common term, although most of them live surprisingly tough lives being hunters and farmers. Craftsmanship is not very developed, since everything that comes from Goom is better anyway. Especially in the cities exists a rich diversity of artists and artisans who entertain or creatively decorate Goom handywork for re-import into the Budmen realm. The Auden Theatre is considered on par with the performances in Egrodia. The army however is so underdeveloped that “the Moridem guard could conquer Auden in a week”. Afterwards, however, they'd have to face the Goom Foreign Corps, the strongest and second most dreaded army of Harland.
A Pesder is an inhabitant of the trading nation Pesden. Since the Agro Mountains block most travel from the north, the country was settled from the west over the Surian Sea. The Pesder thus have a similar complexion to the Ensani, which those resent. Pesder are not only determined to trade, they live it, trading everything to everyone, or so the common opinion. Pesden is also known as the country of bad taste, since the inhabitants tend to show of their riches in ways that can hardly be called stylish. The only difference between a mercenary and a Pesder mostly is the blade on his side - the Pesder prefer shortswords and daggers. For the southern parts of Harland, Pesden is the place to get even the most extravagant and rare goods. Since mercenaries are not only finding a good home, but extraordinarily good pay here, there is hardly a standing army to speak off, but a lot of blades to hire.
A Pelder thus is the inhabitant of Pelden, the country on the other side of the Eger Sea. Also mostly being a trading nation, their habits isn't much different from the Pesder. Their look is more similar to the one found in the northern country and further occupant, Regos. Pelder has a significantly higher amount of free thinkers who find refuge from Regos and more quality crafts, which makes the country less dependant on the trade revenues. Still it is the most important income, which has imprinted its mark on the society. “Pesder or Pelder” is a synonym of “not much difference”. The standing army of Pelden however has significant force and is trained quite well, since the protection from the Goom is more nominal than practical. “Fighting like a Pelder” means using dirty tricks.
The number of Geler is limited by the natural fact of the Geler Passage being a very harsh place to live in. Most Geler are desert nomads who know how to fight, find their way through the more treacherous areas and have radical beliefs. The common opinion among Geler is that the Dragon Desert contains a sleeping dragon of before the Early Era whos followers, the Korosi, are still serving him by causing havoc and despair. The only thing more precious to a Geler than a blade that cuts Dragoni scales is water.
There are not many native Kormer, since the Kormer Passage is more a trading route than a land by itself. Still there are several inhabitants, mostly of Ensani origin, who live in small fortified towns, kharvansari, also known as khani, resting places especially made for treks, and as nomads. Most Kormer earn their living serving as guides, working in resting stations and offering small crafts, healing skills, potions, supplies and repairs. A good Kormer fighter is welcomed in any kharvan (trek). The building style of a Sara, an open courtyard surrounded by residential buildings with strong walls, small windows and flat roofs, has found its way far into the north, although often being built with pitched, gabled or the newer Egrodian Tiled roofs instead.
The “Sold Land” according to the Budmen term of the same name describes the region between Regos in the North, Goom in the Northeast, the Eger Sea in the Southeast and the Kerkap in the South. While being densely populated in the northern parts, it is deserted in the south due to the extreme climatic situation, however still passable compared to the Dragon Desert. While Regos has its eyes on Pelden for centuries since its blocking the direct trade over the Eger Sea for them, the country is under protection of Goom, which makes it quite stable. The Ensani call it “Zamin Jannasa”, “Similar Land”, while the Semier term “Tir Seilg” means “Hunted Land”. The Daomin and Xiaomin focus on the trade revenues, calling it “Guo Fu”, the “Rich Land”. Pelden's society is so much embossed by the trades that it is rumoured “anything in it is just a matter of coin”.
The Kapmane are a very versatile bunch with mixed origin. While the majority of them lives in the south of Peurkap, working as sailors and fishers, several settlements are within the Kap Mountains, guarding the passes and fighting back threats like the Korosi. Most wares and weaponry going to the Geler is passed through those border settlements. Officially under the rule of the Egrodian Empire, the Kapmanes care for nothing but the next tide. The Kapmane Longblade is one of the most famous weapons, a slightly bended double-handed sabre which is both extremely hard and sharp. They're mostly made by master weaponsmiths residing in Peurkap or imported by ship from the best forges of Moridem. It is said a single Kapmane can block a passageway against a whole raid of Korosi using only this blade. Rumour has it that a skilled Bidenhander fighter can break a Kapmane Longblade, however there's no incident passed on where those two master blades have matched. An unskilled fighter will rather take his foot off with an original, not to mention the extreme skill in craftsmanship needed to create it. So most “Kapmane Longblades” are actually ridiculous copies, dull like a barstool and nearly useless in a fight.
Outside of the Kerkap, the term “Kerder” is an insult. The place is infamous for being a melting pot of the unwanted and unneeded. There is scum in every place, but only in Kerder they rule it as well. Why anybody would go there is a mystery to most, and people coming from there are shunned. The Kerder have an even darker complexion than the Regents, and evil rumour goes this has something to do with the Sulkel. Since there are occasional border struggles as well as the very unstable society and the fact that the most flourishing businesses are piracy and slave trade, weapons of all kinds are in widespread use. The Ker is a dagger crafted especially to be used with poison.
There is only a handful of Barrer, non-Uorg inhabitants of the Gerbarre. They're mostly organized along the few trade routes and running trading posts. Barrer are known to be accomplished group fighters and used to hostile surroundings. Their music is especially popular among the Guermen, with whom many Barrer have long-lasting treaties and trade relations. Barrer weaponry often is of very bizarre form with many edges and spikes. Aside of large battle axes they're mostly blunt clubs since the longswords of the West are too expensive and the thinner sword blades of Egrodia and Regos too fragile to be matched with Uorg weaponry.
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